Oh, the places you'll go!
Some of these ways to help are much easier than others.
Hi friends!
I just wanted to thank those of you who have taken time out of your busy schedules to read my book, The Secret About Time. A very special, heartfelt thank you to those of you who have taken the extra time to leave a review. These reviews help readers decide where to invest their money but also can help me reach more potential readers through Amazon’s mystery mathematics behind the scenes. Long story short: Please consider leaving a review. It helps me more than you know.
In other news, The Secret About Time is making significant headway in the world, which means I have achieved another dream. Behold, friends…
The Secret About Time is now available at Barnes and Noble!
I would like to dedicate this moment to every man, woman, and child who stood in a bookstore wondering how they could get their name on the shelf. With a lot of hard work and perseverance, you can do anything. The great author, JR Ward, said in a live Q&A session when I was in New York, “I love anything where a woman doesn’t need permission to live her dreams.”
As if that wasn’t enough, here’s another buy link for my book!
See? Achieving your dreams is a real possibility. If you’re curious, yes I do still get paid through these other sites, so please consider making a purchase if you haven’t done so already, and remember, I’d love a review when you’re done.